Want to find a driving school in Southern California that offers in car lessons that meet California DMV licensing requirements for new drivers? With HomeDriversEd.com, you get driver-training by a DMV licensed driving-school for the entire state of CA. Not only do they provide training for basic driving skills in both residential settings and major streets, they also offer specialized lessons for freeway-driving, canyon-driving, and practice drive test lessons. And to top it off, get it all in new, safely equipped training vehicles, with industry-best instructors, and an advanced state approved curriculum!
Get residential driving lessons: includes basic driving techniques like braking, acceleration, performing turns, curbside parking, and pulling into driveways
We teach students to developing a good driving attitude that is both courteous to other drivers and utilizes defensive driving techniques
Learn it all: Rules of the road, street sign meanings, right-of-way procedures, and how to handle obstacles
Each lesson begins with a review of previous lesson topics to ensure that student is ready to move on to more advanced techniques
We have multiple training vehicles and even more instructors to help assure that you can schedule lessons in a timely manner, working around your schedule
Our training vehicles are equipped with dual brakes, front and side airbags, and anti-lock brakes
All of our Instructors are DMV licensed and have extensive in car training
All applicable driver training packages come with DMV completion certificates with free delivery (and rush delivery available for an additional charge)